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How to prioritise projects


Every business I've worked in or worked with has struggled with too many priorities. So in this clip I run through four behaviourally nuanced questions to shift and sort what's really most important.

By asking the four questions you'll be able to slot each project into one of the following categories:

Must Do = a clear priority for the business. Life would be significantly worse if you don't proceed.

Nice to do = some upside but could disperse focus if included.

Could do = outcomes are too speculative so best to avoid wasting effort.

OK not to do = upside is not sufficiently strong to warrant commitment of resources.

Should not do = it would be a mistake to proceed.

To go a little deeper on this, revisit my blog "Unf*king prioritisation", and be sure to make use of the free online Prioritisation Wizard that gives you immediate answers on where to focus.



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