Speaking and training

From speaking at the Opera House to being named Nudgestock speaker of the year, Bri brings the power of behavioural science to life.

Whether it's a live event, virtual conference or in-house training, if you are curious about why people behave like they do, and what to do about it to get better results, get in touch.


"Bri’s presentation ‘Lazy, Scared, Overwhelmed: Behavioural Economics and the Modern Customer’ at Mumbrella 360 was by far one of the most insightful and useful presentations of the conference."

Andrew L Parker
 National Australia Bank

"...it just so happened that a lady from the land down under, Bri Williams, gave Nudgestock 2020's standout talk. In fact, she positively smashed the mould on boring slide shows whilst cleverly explaining the behavioural science behind it in her talk Lazy, Scared and Overwhelmed."

42 Courses


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Popular topics are listed below.

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Tell Bri about your training requirements

So she can get back to you asap, please provide some details about the type of training you are looking for.

Read about Applied Behavioural Techniques below.

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Applied Behavioural Techniques Workshop

Get hands-on with behavioural techniques.


Everything we do in business is about influencing behaviour.

Emails, phone calls, meetings, presentations, campaigns...our success hinges on getting others to act.

The problem is knowing how.

With Applied Behavioural Techniques training you'll learn:

  • What Behavioural Economics is and how it creates immediate value for you
  • Where most businesses go wrong and how to get influence right
  • How to analyse behavioural challenges 
  • How to design behavioural solutions


You get two main benefits from Applied Behavioural Techniques training:

1. Skills for now

The workshops are based around your team resolving real-life issues. Applying techniques directly to their work helps them embed the theory, develop confidence and get immediate results.

2. Skills for life

It will change how you see the world. Knowing how humans are wired is a transportable, flexible skill. You can use the techniques in any workplace, in any job function and, yes, even at home!

What we cover

  • The science of how people really make decisions
  • Four questions to clarify any behavioural challenge
  • What behavioural economics is and where it fits in your organisation
  • The Williams Behaviour Change model for influencing action
  • How to identify and address the three reasons people ignore, avoid or reject attempts to get them to take action; Apathy, Paralysis and Anxiety

Available as either 2-day or 1-day training. (Also available as an online course - detail below.)


Call Bri on 0408 392 173 to discuss your options.

Virtual and online training program

With distributed teams, now more than ever you need to develop a common way to approach business challenges.

Ensure your team has the confidence and capability to problem solve on their own, with the security of a consistent and effective method that mean everyone's on the same page. That's what Influencing Action for Organisations is about.

We combine asynchronous learning with group and 1:1 coaching to embed behavioural influence into your team's skillset. More here.


Melissa Gilson

Melissa Gilson Strategic Research

The Bootcamp was so enjoyable, actionable and compelling. It FINALLY all came together for me and made damn sense! Well done. You are a great presenter and communicator. I’ll be recommending you to so many people!

Rob Engels


Not only does Bri have an incredible depth of expertise, but she is able to share it in a clear and engaging way, replete with some wonderfully engaging anecdotes from the field.

Susan Tannock

Golden Door Health Retreat Marketing 

I wanted to say a massive thank you for the training. I can honestly say I walked away feeling more interested in BE and 'smarter' after spending time with you on the course - it was wonderful!