Can I share something with you about my toilet?
It's about the buttons, which look like this...
If you wanted to use the half flush, which button would you press?
The button on the left, or the button on the right?
The fact that I'm asking suggests there is a problem here, doesn't it? The correct button should be obvious.
And indeed, the button on the right, the smaller button, is for a half flush.
So why do I find myself continually pressing the larger button on the...
You might be feeling more tired than usual at the moment.
Understandable if you are working harder than ever, but what if you aren’t?
Some of us have long expanses of unscheduled time on our hands. No more travel. No more commuting. No more gyms, dinner parties or sporting events.
Why so tired, then?
Partly this may be due to stress and anxiety. Your body is working overtime to remained composed, with your parasympathetic nervous system trying to calm the...
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