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How to use emojis correctly



Should you use emojis in business communications?

Yes, but only in a specific way . 

In this clip I explain new research on why emojis increase persuasion but only if you use them correctly.

This is a sample from Just Do This, my program that tells business owners exactly how to use behavioural science to get better results.

You get over 70 instructional videos, templates, scripts, a podcast and time every month with me. 

When it comes to behaviour, why guess when you can...

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Baby birds


Baby birds open their beaks for two reasons. 

They trust their parent and it’s worth it. They get fed.

Customers and colleagues open your emails for the same reasons.



See: The Little Book of Letters and Emails

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Effective emails

comms copywriting cx edms emails Sep 14, 2023

We waste a lot of time writing emails that get ignored, or worse, provoke an unintended response.

So here's how to write emails that work:

First ask, is the news you are sharing with your customer good news or bad news for them?

If it is good news, the tone can be upbeat and positive. If it is bad news, you’ll need to tread more carefully.

Then ask, what do you want them to do as a result of reading your email? Do you want them to do something (action required) or do nothing (no action...

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The $3,000 coffee

Most of my trip to the Ikara-Flinders Ranges, South Australia, last year went as planned.

Plenty of wildlife, time in the red dirt, and lots of friendly fellow road trippers.

But the $3,000 coffee caught me by surprise.

I’d stopped in the small town of Blinman, boasting a population of thirty five, for a coffee and to sample some of the bakery’s finest. 

Strolling the main street, I spotted this sign.

Being a huge fan of Indigenous art, I jumped back in the van and drove a...

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Designing for how people use your product


Can I share something with you about my toilet?

It's about the buttons, which look like this...

If you wanted to use the half flush, which button would you press?

The button on the left, or the button on the right?


The fact that I'm asking suggests there is a problem here, doesn't it? The correct button should be obvious.

And indeed, the button on the right, the smaller button, is for a half flush.

So why do I find myself continually pressing the larger button on the...

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Why staff ignore your emails



There’s a communications paradox in most businesses. 

Staff say their bosses never tell them anything.

Bosses say staff are being bombarded.

What’s going on here?

Back when I was working in corporates, we’d all go through an employee engagement survey, usually every year or two. You might have experienced one of these?

A survey that asks people what they think of the company they’re working in, and how their leaders are performing.

Invariably, one of the...

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