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Don't format a web link like this


Are you making a simple formatting mistake that stops people clicking?

How you format a web link in your emails needs to change according to the relationship you have with the recipient.

If they know you, it’s fine to hyperlink.

If they don’t know you, don’t hyperlink.

For example, because you know me, I can hyperlink like this.

But when I am sending information to a new client, I instead provide the web URL address like this: www.briwillia

How you...

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Baby birds


Baby birds open their beaks for two reasons. 

They trust their parent and it’s worth it. They get fed.

Customers and colleagues open your emails for the same reasons.



See: The Little Book of Letters and Emails

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My word for the year is different.

Or to put it a better way, different is my word for the year.

It’s been remarkably clarifying.

From taking a different path when walking the dog to changing parts of my website and taking on different projects, reminding myself to be ‘different’ has been powerful.

It’s helped me unshackle from my status quo.

I’m even writing differently. Have you noticed?

Looser. More conversational.

And in the spirit of that, I’m...

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The science of effective Lead Magnets


Should you require people to provide an email so they can download a brochure from your website?

In this video behavioural expert Bri Williams shares the pros and cons for requiring an email from your customer, and how to do it well.

More about Just Do This: www.briwilliams.com/about-just-do-this

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