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We like knowing 2 things


Humans like knowing 2 things:

  • What will happen. 
  • Why it happened.

Both stem from control. We want to make sense of our world so it doesn’t seem chaotic.

In your business you will wonder:

  • What will happen when we send this email out? Release this product? Raise my prices?

And later:

  • Why didn’t people open our emails? Buy our products? Pay our prices?


Meanwhile, your customers will be thinking:

  • What will happen when I click that button? Take that product...
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The Behavioural Science of TED talks



The hidden secrets to TED talks that their founder, Chris Anderson, doesn't share.

That's what I want to share with you.

If you ever present, either from stage or to colleagues and customers, I think you'll find this helpful.

Chris gave a great TED talk on how to give a TED talk a few years ago. It's now been viewed almost 3 million times.

He seems so effortless in his delivery that I wanted to pull back the curtain and identify exactly what he was doing.

That's what I reveal in this...

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Left-handed mouse


Years ago I switched to a left-handed mouse. 

It occurred to me that using my right hand was inefficient: I'd have to stop writing or typing, move my hand to the mouse, click what I needed, and then return to the keyboard or pen. Meanwhile, my left hand sat idle.

We often do things because they seem natural or conventional. But in doing so, we miss other resources, opportunities, and answers.

This principle applies to understanding customer behaviour too. 

The prevailing...

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How to use emojis correctly



Should you use emojis in business communications?

Yes, but only in a specific way . 

In this clip I explain new research on why emojis increase persuasion but only if you use them correctly.

This is a sample from Just Do This, my program that tells business owners exactly how to use behavioural science to get better results.

You get over 70 instructional videos, templates, scripts, a podcast and time every month with me. 

When it comes to behaviour, why guess when you can...

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3 techniques in one tiny screen


I’m sure you know all about scarcity – the principle that people are more likely to act when time or stock is limited.

That's the first behavioural technique editing software VEED have used in this screen:

They’ve included a countdown to create a sense of urgency to sign up.

Because…and here’s the important second bit…if I don’t, my video will be deleted!

And that’s the second psychological principle they’ve used here: Loss...

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Cooking shows are a lie


Cooking shows are seductive.

But they’re also a lie.

They don’t show you the preparation.

They don’t show you the cleanup.

Behavioural science can seem seductive, too.

You read a book or watch a clip and it seems so simple. Fast results! Easy fixes!

But try to do it yourself and suddenly reality dawns.

To really impact behaviour you can’t just throw some ingredients in a blender.

You need to go to cooking school.



Image by Mohamed Hassan from...

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The Just Do This podcast


You are busy. I get it. 

Now you can get behavioural lessons wherever you are and whenever it suits!

I've turned core lessons from Just Do This into a podcast that can be listened to from your favourite podcasting app, like Apple and Google podcasts.

It's exclusive to Just Do This members as part of their membership - there's no extra cost.

Just another reason to join Just Do This.

Sill not sure? Have a look for yourself with free access for 24 hours...



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Don't do this


When it comes to influencing behaviour of customers and colleagues, there are a lot of things you can do. But there’s also a lot of things you shouldn’t do.

1. Don’t make things pretty, make them effective

Too many businesses prioritise aesthetic over efficacy.

For example, websites with call-to-action buttons that match their brand. I get it! Brand guidelines are important. We want our businesses to look well considered and professional.

The problem when everything...

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Dealing with Painful People


How to deal with painful people using behavioural science.

Behavioural expert Bri Williams takes you through the three types of painful people you are likely to encounter in business: People pleasers, Know it alls and Obstinates.

People pleasers bulldust, Know it Alls bamboozle and Obstinates bulldoze!

The transcript and full video is available exclusively to Just Do This members. Find out more here.


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Talking behavioural science with my intern, Bora Ergor


It was an absolute delight to have Bora Ergor interning with me this year.

Bora is a very talented psychology student at the University of Strasbourg and together we worked across a range of assignments.

In this video Bora talks us through what his research unearthed as well as tips for people seeking to intern.

We cover what behavioural science says about:

  • How to optimise your online presenting presence and overcome Zoom fatigue
  • Framing  and use of language i.e. knowing...
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