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Behavioural black box


When trying to get people to respond to you, does it sometimes feel like this?

Things get lost in translation.

The email you write doesn’t get opened.

Your website doesn’t compel them to click.

Your pitch doesn’t convert.

Something strange happens between your message and their response.

The behavioural black box.

🔑 Imagine being given the keys to the box?

😮 Imagine seeing what’s inside.

✅ Imagine designing work that translates to the desired...

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How to cross-sell using completion bias



What does a jigsaw puzzle have to do with selling?

Researchers successfully used visual representations of a jigsaw to sell more wine and more banking products.

We can encourage customers to buy more products across our range by changing the way we visually represent them.

In this video I explain: 

  • How to visually represent your product suite
  • What completion bias is and why it's so powerful
  • How an online retailer and bank used these techniques to drive sales 



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How to get a customer to proceed


Customer not interested in proceeding?

When persuading customers, your work is less about moving them TOWARDS something, and more about getting them to MOVE AWAY from something else.

To get someone to buy, for example, we need to move them away from not having the product at all or using a competitor’s. 

That means not only talking up the benefits of our product - but planting the seed that they’ll be worse off if they don’t proceed. That they’ll be going...

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The science of effective Lead Magnets


Should you require people to provide an email so they can download a brochure from your website?

In this video behavioural expert Bri Williams shares the pros and cons for requiring an email from your customer, and how to do it well.

More about Just Do This: www.briwilliams.com/about-just-do-this

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How to sell if you don't like selling


I hate selling.

Now, that's a problem if you are someone like me who runs their own business, or you're in a role that requires you to bring in the dollars.

Or maybe you are trying to 'sell' your credentials in a job interview or sell the benefits of a new project?

Bottomline, how to sell if you don't like selling?

In this video I explain how to think differently about selling, and the ONLY three reasons people don't buy.

This is a sample of content from my Just Do This...

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How concrete language can change behaviour

Want an inexpensive way to bolster customer satisfaction and sell more? Use concrete language.

That was the finding from “How Concrete Language Shapes Customer Satisfaction” (2020) by Grant Packard and Jonah Berger.

In the study, Packard and Berger tested whether referring to items using abstract (e.g. “pants”) vs. concrete (e.g. “blue jeans”) descriptors impacted satisfaction, willingness to buy and purchase behaviour.

Abstract language is the realm of the...

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How to write effective emails


I currently have 11,212 unread emails in my inbox. They are unread because I have looked at the subject line or sender and decided not to bother opening them.

Some people aim for "inbox zero" - and if that's you I understand my confession may have rocked your world - but I'm totally okay with how I keep on top of what's important.

Or more particularly, what I think is important, because whomever crafted their message to me certainly thought it should be important.

Which brings us to the...

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6 cognitive biases that get people to buy online

6 cognitive biases that influence online shopping

Google's consumer insights team wanted to "understand how consumers make decisions in an online environment of abundant choice and limitless information."

They found that "people deal with scale and complexity by using cognitive biases encoded deep in their psychology."

As consumers cycle through exploration and evaluation phases of their decision, they rely on the following six cognitive biases:

  1. Category heuristics -...
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