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How sentence structure impacts persuasion



The hardest thing about doing standup a few years ago wasn’t coming up with ideas.

It wasn’t having an audience.

It was having to be precise about words.

To build and land a joke you need to be very careful about what you say, when.

To get the best result, you need to understand what works and what doesn’t.

It’s no different at work.

While we’re usually chasing a sale rather than a laugh, being precise about what we say, when, can dramatically change the...

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How to get a customer to proceed


Customer not interested in proceeding?

When persuading customers, your work is less about moving them TOWARDS something, and more about getting them to MOVE AWAY from something else.

To get someone to buy, for example, we need to move them away from not having the product at all or using a competitor’s. 

That means not only talking up the benefits of our product - but planting the seed that they’ll be worse off if they don’t proceed. That they’ll be going...

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What defines professional value


Famously, the microwave was meant to save us hours of labour. Before that, washing machines.

But guess what? Abhorring a vacuum, our time was filled.

Right now, the technology promising to save us hours is AI.

Lawyers, accountants, marketers, we can outsource our transactional work. And we are.

But what then?

Why will people want to work with you instead of AI?

What makes you different? Valuable?

People skills.

Your ability to engage, persuade, refuse, refute.

Imagine if instead of...

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Optimising customer reviews


Optimising customer reviews means paying attention to how people express themselves, not just what they express.

It's not only how many stars a customer gives you that can make a difference, it's whether they use past or present tense to describe their experience.

Access Just Do This:

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Dealing with the biggest objection of all


How to overcome the biggest objection of all?

I’m not talking about price!

I’m talking about incumbency.

The ‘we’re fine with what we’ve got’ or what we’re doing as your customer swats you away, like an annoying little fly.

In my latest video I explain what to say to get your customer's attention and listen to what you have to say.

This is a sample of content from my Just Do This membership program. Find out how you can join here.


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Talking Talks: Persuasive presentations, with Troy Andrews


How to make your presentation persuasive? And what are the ethical considerations of doing so?

In this episode of Talking Talks behavioural expert Bri Williams speaks with Troy Andrews, founder of

We talk about why logically sequencing content isn't persuasive, why outcome is the first place to start, how storytelling is 22x more memorable than facts alone and how Troy's knowledge of craft beer helped win him a client.


- Troy's website: ...

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Why a smaller ask can be easier refuse

Richard Branson was sharing a story about introducing TV screens to the back of airplane seats.

He went to his board and the banks but couldn’t get the $10 million loan he needed to retrofit his Virgin Atlantic planes.

So instead he called Boeing and asked “if I buy 15 new planes, could you include seat back video screens?”

“Of course!”, came Boeing’s reply.

Branson’s point was he couldn’t get a loan for $10 million, but he could for $2 billion....

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The three C's of designing a behavioural solution


Bri explains that in order to overcome resistance to behavioural influence, you need to focus on:

  • Capacity
  • Clarity and
  • Confidence
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