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How to get a customer to proceed


Customer not interested in proceeding?

When persuading customers, your work is less about moving them TOWARDS something, and more about getting them to MOVE AWAY from something else.

To get someone to buy, for example, we need to move them away from not having the product at all or using a competitor’s. 

That means not only talking up the benefits of our product - but planting the seed that they’ll be worse off if they don’t proceed. That they’ll be going...

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How to sound more persuasive


Do you have an 'um-ing' habit?

Perhaps you equivocate a lot, like saying something 'might' work rather than it 'will' work?

If you do, is this turning your customers and colleagues off?

In sample video from my online membership program, Just Do This, I share how these hedges and utterances impact how people perceive you.

And guess what? The news isn't all bad!

Hear me explain:

- The two types of hedges, and how to combine them to sound more persuasive; and

- How um-ing can actually help,...

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