The gap between
who you are and
what you’re doing
is the cause of angst on bad days
and aspiration on good ones.
When you know how to change behaviour, you can change your world.
In my experience, changing personal behaviour looks like this:
Each stage has its challenges.
I should exercise more. I should eat differently. I should call my loved ones more. I should work less.
Shoulds can feel exceptionally draining because this type of...
Here’s something that has always confounded me.
If behavioural science is so good, why aren’t more people using it?
Like Robert Cialdini’s famous study on social norms influencing hotel guests to reuse their towels. I’m still to visit a hotel that is correctly using a message about how many guests have re-used their towels to get me to do likewise.
The thing is, when people read or hear about behavioural economics, and more broadly, behavioural science, they typically...
Most of the techniques I talk about deal with subconscious influences on behaviour; how the time of day impacts who gets out of jail or how music in a shop can change what people buy, for example.
But today I want to help you have conversations with people. In short, how to lead an individual or group through the need to change so they get on board and stop resisting you.
Created in 1919 by American writer Johnston McCulley, Zorro is a fictional character who...
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